The Health Center Blog

Health information written in a straight and honest way.

  • Fevers, and how to take a temperature

    You have a fever, it’s OK!  Fever is one of those dreaded things that nobody wants. You feel cruddy when you have a fever, your kid is cranky, your body aches, and…

  • Cold sores vs canker sores

    Cold sores and canker sores– what is the difference? Are they contagious?   You wake up with a pain in your mouth and you start to panic… what IS this pain?  You notice…

  • Antibiotic use— viral vs bacterial infections

    It’s just a virus… Ok we get it. For most, it is easy when we medical professionals give you or your child a diagnosis and then an antibiotic treatment. It means that…

  • How to choose a pediatrician

    Giving birth has evolved. Now people are taking charge of their birth story and making more informed decisions about their care. That includes choosing a pediatrician. Back in the “old days,” you…

  • Asthma

    Did someone say asthma? It’s that time of year.  The fall 🍂 and spring 🌷and winter ❄ can trigger asthma. So basically all year. What the heck is actually going on in…

  • Eczema treatments and causes

    What is eczema? That one little word you may have heard over, and over, and over again. It’s a little word, but it causes you BIG problems. 🙄 Up late itching? Eczema.…

  • Head lice

    The dreaded call– your child has head lice What to do besides panic, when your school nurse calls home and tells you that your child has head lice? Now don’t go burning…

  • Stomach bug

    The stomach bug– so catchy you might just get it from reading this article. The dreaded words… the stomach bug.🤢 Let’s talk about how we can avoid catching it and what it…

  • Does cold weather cause the flu?

    Was Grandma right after all? Does cold weather cause the flu? 👵 What is the flu? The flu, also known as the influenza virus, is spread by exposure to infected particles. These…

Woman Semaglutide success image
Hi there! Nurse Kim here, and today I want to talk to you about something amazing called Semaglutide. It might
For many, remote working has brought on new issues. For one, many have noticed that wearing earbuds all day has
Hi everyone, Nurse Kim here. Let’s talk about kid poop. 💩  Green poop, yellow poop, orange poop, purple poop. Everybody
Men and women need different types of health screenings. Knowing what to expect and when will help keep you on
As a young female or one that might be in the midst of childbearing, doctors visits are plenty. But what
As you age, it may seem like you can skip regular checkups and just visit the doctor when you have
With an increase in remote learning and working, the sales of blue light blocking glasses have skyrocketed and ads are
We have been cleaning and disinfecting frantically since the COVID-19 outbreak. Clorox wipes were wiped out and it became almost
How many times have you been skipping through the park, stubbed your toe and wished you had a first aid
We normally would be looking for the best sale on new backpacks and getting school clothing ready for the fall